The STEM Community Call for March is scheduled for this Thursday, at 9 am Pacific time.
The call is open to all who wish to join in. If you would like to do so, please email me at judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, for call in instructions.
Agenda for the STEM Community Call on Thursday, March 3, 2016
1. Welcome and introductions: Visitors from the Philippines (Jamie and Kun)
2. Status update STEM Version 3.0.2, aka Java 8/Eclipse 4 build
Latest integration build to milestone 3.0.2 (Stefan)
Updates to metadata and website (Jamie)
3. Feature requests
Evolving disease model to address genome (Jamie)
Downloadable example of extended shape file capabilities using a Pajek file (Chris)
Chris to Stefan: Need code review
Progress with modeling, restrictions and interventions (Nereyda)
3. New items/updates from last call
Possible new feature request on open source map data (Jamie/Matthias)
Pilot with China CDC on modeling flu (Kun)
STEM response to Eclipse shift (Matt)
Global Biohealth Conference (Nereyda/Jamie/Kun)
Zika (Jamie/Kun)
4. Bugs
Bug 465981. Kamesh contacted for resolution on problem with dengue model
Kun: Upon Kamesh’s request sent evite to call
5. Items from participants