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[stem-dev] Agenda for STEM call on February 4

The call is scheduled for 9 am Pacific time, 12 noon Eastern, this Thursday, February 4. As always, you are welcome to join in. Please contact me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, for call in instructions if you want to participate in the call.





Agenda for the STEM Community Call, Thursday, February 4, 2016


1. STEM Version 3.0.1, aka Java 8/Eclipse 4 build

*Status updating metadata

*Version 3.0.2 available January 20th

2. Feature requests

*Jamie: Update on evolving disease model, use of extension to transformation decorators

*Chris: Downloadable example of extended shape file capabilities using a Pajek file 

*Nereyda: Work with Jamie developing model restricting air travel for certain compartments

*Work on feature requests below to be done when specifically needed by projects 

*Modifying sequencer to get automatic experiments to run batch (Kun)

E.g., with ebola data, how to more easily measure change in R0 over time

*Batching to control sequencer: No update

*New plug in to measure poverty: Inactive; actually a research/data task, not a software task
*Plug in for roads in Africa: Inactive as such; actually need for world


3. New items/updates from last call

*Jamie/Matthias: Possible new feature request on open source data source

*Matthias sent to Jamie in November, Matt reviewed

*Nereyda: Article on STEM for collaborative online ezine Global Biodefense


*Kun: Pilot for the collaboration with China CDC on modeling flu

4.  Bugs
*Bug 465981. Kamesh’s problem with dengue model
*Jamie: Issues with Windows and model generator reported by Simone and high school intern

*Log file from Simone evaluated?


5. Items from participants


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