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[stem-dev] Notes from the STEM Community Call on February 4, 2016

Notes from the STEM Community Call on Thursday, February 4, 2016


On call: Jamie, Stefan, Matt, Kun, Nereyda, Werner, Judy


NEXT CALL: Thursday, March 3, at 9am Pacific time; visitors at Almaden from the Philippines will join in the call



1. STEM Version 3.0.2, aka Java 8/Eclipse 4 build

*Available January 20th

*Status metadata: Last updated milestone build in October

*TO DO-Stefan: Take latest integration build to milestone 3.0.2

*TO DO-Jamie: Update metadata and web

2. Feature requests

*Jamie: Evolving disease model to address genome; possible to directly measure drift on a small scale; may not merge feature into head

*Chris: Downloadable example of extended shape file capabilities using a Pajek file; defer to when Chris is on the call 

*Nereyda: Worked with Jamie on modeling restrictions, interventions; used STEM materials on Youtube; making progress

*Not working any other feature requests (see notes from prior calls for list)


3. New items/updates from last call

*Jamie: Possible new feature request from Matthias on open source map data; not done

*TO DO-Ask Matthias to follow up in German with ‘owner’

*Nereyda: Article on STEM for collaborative online ezine Global Biodefense; accessible at

*Kun: Working on pilot with China CDC on modeling flu, also with group from the Philippines who will visit Almaden in March

4.  Bugs
*Bug 465981. Kamesh’s problem with dengue model; not resolved;

*TO DO-Get Kamesh on call?
*Jamie: Issues with Windows and model generator reported by Simone and high school intern; fixed; not actually a STEM problem


5. Items from participants

*Judy/All: Breaking news on Zika virus

*Nereyda: Will go to the Global Biohealth Conference; travel covered; TO DO-Kun will write to ask for Nereyda’s registration fee to be waived as an invited speaker; TO DO-Jamie will help with slides; TO DO-Kun will update meeting list to include Nereyda

*Werner: STEM response to Eclipse shift? TO DO-Matt to explore

*Jamie: Getting a few calls about Zika virus; not doing anything yet; perhaps Kun and a colleague in Australia will address



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