1) Website migration to GIT (developers will need GIT): Update from Matt
2) Plan for next Release V 1.4.1 is up. You can make changes on the wiki and we will merge with website
Date: Dec 14, 2012
Bug Fixes from 1.4.0
Performance improvements
Polio Vaccination Example
New STEM Update mechanism ***
New Food Distribution Analysis view (incubation)
New Apache library
Plan for V 2.0
Date: 4/17/13
Bug Fixes from 1.4.1
Performance improvements
Graphical Model Design (GUI for code generation)
Advanced Dengue Example
Stochastic Modeling - need to watch apach.math.commons library
2. New Documentation for 2.0/1.4.1
* New STEM Update Mechanism
* New Doc on Food Distribution View
* Food Distribution view doc
* Need a doc page describing (or linking to descriptions) of different solvers
3. Solvers: Update from Stefan)
4. STEM Update Site: Update from Matt)
4. Bug(s) of the week:
Bug 315252: Should not auto(ant)-build scenarios if map does not exist (Fixed)
New Bug: Need map view dialog with never show me again option informing user if she/he is running scenario that has no spatial information (bland map).
* Werner: Interesting new publication by UK author about pandemics spreading from animals to humans