Hi Marc,
Good point. For Mangrove, yes, protest is required, as it is alive, while not particularly active, but it’s certainly something that we are interested in keeping
healthily going forward. I’d be hoping for the SCA project to continue too. I don’t know much about eBAM at this stage, the Engineering guys haven’t been active to my knowledge recently…
From: soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Marc.Gille@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 17 September 2013 23:18
To: soa-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [soa-pmc] FW: Project liveliness/candidates for termination.
I suggest that we come up with a consolidated answer.
Situation on Swordfish is clear. Mangrove surely requires protest. How about the others?
Greetings SOA PMC.
Below is an excerpt from an unsolicited email by a community member. Is it, perhaps, time to schedule some termination reviews?
FWIW, the Technology project does this regulary (about each year). They lump all of the terminations into a single review.