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Re: [scava-dev] Help to setup the project

Dear Florian,

As you might have noticed we are restructuring and updating the documentation. You are right the product you mentioned in your previous email does no longer exist. ASAP we'll create a step-by.step guideline in order to setup a development environment enabling the development of new functionalities (like new metric providers). 


Il giorno dom 17 feb 2019 alle ore 18:33 florian peyron <flotos@xxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:


Sorry for not reaching out earlier, we wanted to wait for the project to stabilise as we’ll be working on it in march.

We are using Windows Home edition and cannot run Docker. Also, we would need to run the sources, as we need to work on them to develop new features.

After following the doc again, we are again stuck on the same point :
> - On the "Validate and Run the Platform" section, it is said to open the
> file "org.ossmeter.platform.osgi/ossmeterfromfeature.product". However
> it does not exists.

Thanks for your answer,


De : scava-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <scava-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> de la part de Boris Baldassari <boris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé : Saturday, November 24, 2018 8:32:45 AM
À : scava-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Re: [scava-dev] Help to setup the project
Hiho Florian,

We are currently working on the docker deployment so things are moving
fast, especially on the deployment side. And the documentation is being
updated as much as we can (WIP).

Please try the following doc:

And let me know if it works for you. I'll update it accordingly.



On 23/11/2018 14:41, florian peyron wrote:
> Hi,
> We are a team of 6 students who will be working on Scava for a week in
> march, as a part of our course. Our current objective is to define the
> tasks to do. However, we need to run the project first to get the hang
> of it.
> We tried to run the crossminer project on our computers but encountered
> some problems.
> The documentation used is the following one :
> - The documentation to run the project from source seems outdated :
> - On the "Validate and Run the Platform" section, it is said to open the
> file "org.ossmeter.platform.osgi/ossmeterfromfeature.product". However
> it does not exists. The ones that look the most like it are
> "crossmeterfromfeature.product in
> metric-platform/tests/org.exlipse.scava.rascal.test" and "scava.product
> in metric-platform/relenf/org.eclipse.scava.product". With those files,
> the "validate" works, but not the "Export an Eclipse plugin". The error
> displayed is : "The product defining plugin could not be found".
> - The docker image run by the docker-compose file
> "web-dashboards/docker/ossmeter.yml" is for ossmeter. It is 9 months
> old, and the default user provided on the documentation
> (user:demo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx password: demo18) doesn't work.
> Is the documentation to run the project up to date, and if so what have
> we done wrong ?
> Thanks,
> The Master ICE Team.
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Davide Di Ruscio, PhD in Computer Science
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Engineering Computer Science and Mathematics
University of L'Aquila
Via Vetoio, Coppito I-67010 L'Aquila (Italy)
Email: davide.diruscio@xxxxxxxxx
Skype: davidediruscio
Twitter: DDiRuscio

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