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Re: [scava-dev] Migrating wiki to scava-docs

On 15/10/2018 09:37, Gergő Balogh wrote:
Dear Boris,
Hiho Gergo,

Thanks for your quick reply. In a nutshell: yes, I agree that we should not store large binary files in git (or whatever gconf system btw).

We could host it on the ci3 server along with the data dumps [1] if you'd like.


If it's ok with you, and since it appears to be not relevant in the present context, we can simply have this discussion (about where to store binary files) when the problem arises. That could be when the training is published again, or when another binary file pops up.


Thanks, have a wonderful evening! :-)


since we uploaded the zip in question, let me propose a temporary solution.
These description and tutorial is about the usage and first impressions of REST API client generator kindly provided by Patrick Neubauer. We was planning to use it in CROSSMINER, but since its early stage of development we have to change these plans. Right now it is not used and presumably will not used. If you wish (after consulting with Patrick) this content could be safely deleted from the documentation as far as the CROSSMINER project concerns. I emphasize this is just a temporally solution since there could be other large binary attachment and samples in the future. Further more my personal opinion is that we should not store large binary files directly in Git repo.

Have a nice day.

On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 13:37:28 +0200, Boris Baldassari <boris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hiho good people,

I've started to migrate pages of the crossminer/scava repo wiki to the crossminer/scava-docs one. All pages from the wiki have been migrated, but there is still some adjustements to be made in the structure and contents of files.

Documentation is also automatically published in 2 places:

* github pages:
* readthedocs:

Here are a few comments and requests/questions:

* Please don't edit the wiki anymore. Instead, clone and use the docs repo [1].

=> Should we de-activate the scava wiki? If would force the use of the docs repo and prevent doc fragmentation.

* There is a 80MB zip file ( in the wiki [2]. I don't think it would be good practice to put it straight in the git repo.. it contains src and target directories. Any idea how to proceed?

=> I'd suggest to put it (only the source files) in a dedicated directory to keep the example while removing the binaries.


Have a wonderful end of week, cheers! :-)

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