ptp-announce Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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[ptp-announce] What makes good API tutorials,
[ptp-announce] PTP 9.0, Photran 9.1, Remote 2.0 released with Eclipse Mars (4.5),
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 8.1.1 and Photran 9.0.1 released with Eclipse Luna SR2 (4.4.2),
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 8.1 and Photran 9.0 released with Eclipse Luna SR1 (4.4.1),
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 8.0.1 (and Photran 8.2.1) is released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 8.0 and Photran 8.2 released with Eclipse Luna,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 7.0.5 (and Photran 8.1.5) is released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] Eclipse Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) is released - PTP 7.0.4 and Photran 8.1.4 are available,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] Eclipse Kepler SR1 is released - including Parallel Package upgraded to PTP 7.0.3 and Photran 8.1.3,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] CFP: Parallel Tools Platform (PTP) User/Developer Workshop,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 7.0.3 (and Photran 8.1.3) is released,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP Tutorial slides available - XSEDE 2013,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 7.0.2 and Photran 8.1.2 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 7.0.1 and Photran 8.1.1 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 7.0 and Photran 8.1 released with Eclipse Kepler,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 6.0.5 and Photran 8.0.5 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 6.0.4 and Photran 8.0.4 released with Eclipse Juno SR2,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 6.0.3 and Photran 8.0.3 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 6.0.2 and Photran 8.0.2 released with Eclipse Juno SR1,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] SC12 PTP Tutorial and BOF planned,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 6.0.1 and Photran 8.0.1 are released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 6.0 and Photran 8.0 released with Eclipse Juno,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.7 and Photran 7.0.7 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.6 and Photran 7.0.6 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] Parallel Package update as part of Indigo SR2 is Available!,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.5 and Photran 7.05 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.5 and Photran 7.054 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.3 and Photran 7.0.3 released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.2 and Photran 7.0.2 are released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0.1 and Photran 7.0.1 are released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 5.0 and Photran 7.0 are released,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.7 and Photran 6.0.7 are available,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.6 is released with Helios SR2,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.5 is now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.4 available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.3 releases with Helios SR1,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.2 is available,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] Final release of PTP 3.0.2,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0.1/Photran 6.0.1 now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 4.0/Photran 6.0 is released!,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 3.0/Photran 5.0 release now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP BOF at SC09: Wed No 18, 5:30 PM,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] Photran 5.0 prerelease build available,
Jeffrey Overbey
[ptp-announce] 2.1.3 now released,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] New Photran Build (I200906291151) Available,
Jeffrey Overbey
[ptp-announce] PTP 2.1.2 release now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 2.1.1 release now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 2.1 release now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] Welcome Chris Recoskie as a new tools.ptp Committer,
portal on behalf of Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] Committer vote for Chris Recoskie has concluded successfully,
portal on behalf of Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] +1 for Chris Recoskie,
portal on behalf of Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] Vote for Committer status for Chris Recoskie has started,
portal on behalf of Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 2.0.2 available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] Project meta data is out of date for tools.ptp,
portal on behalf of emo
[ptp-announce] PTP 2.0.1 available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] Commit rights for Christopher Rickett have been expired,
portal on behalf of emo
[ptp-announce] where can I get the source code of ptp 1.1.0 ?,
Zhao Haixiang
[ptp-announce] PTP 2.0 Preview Release 200801211311 available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] link error - building MPI,
[ptp-announce] PTP Compiling causes other nodes on cluster to be unavailable,
Mark Capogreco
[ptp-announce] Parallel Tools Platform community invited to submit for EclipseCon 2008,
Scott Lewis
[ptp-announce] PTP 1.1.1 release is now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PTP 1.1 release is now available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] PLDT 1.1 I200612131333 build available,
Beth Tibbitts
[ptp-announce] PTP 1.1 I200612111900 build available,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] New mailing lists,
Greg Watson
[ptp-announce] Weclome to ptp-announce,
Webmaster(Matt Ward)
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