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Re: [photran] stepping through code does leapfrog

Hi Greg and Ralph,

>I would recommend opening bugzilla bug reports for problems that you
>discover as well as for enhancement requests. That way they can be
>tracked and added to any future development plans.

I constructed a sample code and tried to pass it to bugzilla via the
"bug-report" entry in the "help" menu, but it bounced I'm afraid.
I filled in all fields and pressed "submit". Then I get a popup window
labelled "Properties for Task Repository"/Bugzilla Repository Settings.
As server it shows "" and as label "".
When I select option "Validate Settings" I get confirmation that these
settings are valid. When I press "Finish", the same popup returs
after a while...

What do I do wrong?

Anyhow, below you find the completely silly sample code.



ps. On completion of a run, the program does not properly finish.
Instead, it complains that there is No source available for "main() ",
even though I de-selected the "stop-on-main" checkbox.

      PROGRAM ShowLeapFrog ! Highlighted line has a peek here first. Press F6 again...
! Sample code to show that while stepping through a running code in
! a debug-session under Photran, the highlighted line makes unnecessary leapfrogs
! to the top line.
! Put a breakpoint at the line starting with "MODIDENT = ' and start
! a debug-session. Execution halts at the breakpoint. Now press F6 to
! (try to) proceed to either the IF-statement (which may have been
! cut out by the compiler in an optimization step since it is always false)
! or to the write-statement. You'll see that neither happens.
! Instead the highlighter first jumps to the top line.
      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DefaultLength = 256
      CHARACTER(DefaultLength) :: MODIDENT
      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DebugLevel = 0
      MODIDENT = 'Set breakpoint here, start debug-run, press F6 and watch highlighted line!'
      IF (DebugLevel.GT.0) WRITE(*,*) 'Blablabla 1'
      WRITE(*,'(A)') 'and only after the second F6 you are here!'
      END PROGRAM ShowLeapFrog

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