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Re: [p2-dev] A somewhat unusual request for errors

Thanks Scott,
I took a quick look, and it was not immediately clear to me how I would incorporate that into the p2 JUnit test , and I would need some pointer to how to add the various responses. I think it can be a valuable testing aid - feeding some higher level layer URLs like http://localhost/E500 to make sure the appropriate error message is generated.

I am certainly willing to invest some time in that.

Henrik Lindberg

On Feb 26, 2009, at 12:32 AM, Scott Lewis wrote:

Hi Henrik,

If you find such a site on the internet please let me know.

We (ECF) now have the httpclient test server code in our junit plugin tests for file if you wish you can work with us to customize that server to fail in certain ways. The relevant plugin projects are in /cvsroot/rt/org.eclipse.ecf/tests/bundles


Henrik Lindberg wrote:
I am working on improving error messages from exceptions during transfer, and I am looking for an easy way to test error message generation against real errors from a web site. Has anyone heard of a site that can be used for testing? - i.e. a site that is capable of returning all the error codes - i.e. I want to get a 500 on something like http://somewhere/500.html etc...

I tried googling, but got too much static...

Henrik Lindberg

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