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Re: [orbit-dev] switch from com.spotify.docker.client to org.mandas.docker.client

On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 5:41 PM Homer, Tony <tony.homer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Should I open 22 change requests (1 + 13 + 8), one giant change request for all of these changes or somewhere in between?

As Matthias mentioned, they would need to be filed separately. The good
news is that only a license check would be required, and since many of
the packages are just updates, it should go through quickly.

It would be nice to have a list of which packages are being updated, and
which will be new. (eg. foo 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0). I'm guessing Jackson and
Jersey packages will be the majority of the updates and probably JNR
as well ?

> Should the obsolete Spotify Docker Client and/or it’s dependencies be removed from Orbit?
> What other communications are needed (e.g., cross-project-issues-dev)?

Yes, because we're now replacing it with an "updated" version. Those
wishing to continue using the older bundle, which depends on a vulnerable
libraries could technically just use an older release build.

I say "updated" because we're basically updating "com.spotify.docker.client" to
"org.mandas.docker.client" yet the versions are completely different. Not only
is the Bundle-SymbolicName changing, but all the package names as well.
This would definitely need to be communicated. Does "org.mandas.docker.client"
maintain the same package structure as docker-client ? Projects would need
to be aware of how to migrate. I think it would be worth it to post to
cross-projecct-issues with the list of dependencies you plan to update. I would
also make it clear that the dependencies being removed can still be accessed
by using an older release build.

> Any other comments or guidance on this set of changes?

I would make sure to use the "osgi.bnd" of the original bundles that are being
updated, and hopefully the main things changing in there are version numbers.
I would also CC Jeff Johnston from Linux Tools Project on this so that he can
test out a draft build of the changes against the Docker tooling within that

Roland Grunberg

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