using oaw 4.3.1 it was easy to follow the development process (as user)
simply adding the update site of nightly build
Now under Eclipse it seemt to be more complicated.
Using Xpand, MWE, Xtext from Galileo release is easy,
but I'm looking for N-Builds and I-Builds.
has an All-in-One-P2-Updatesite, but only for 0.7.0,
there ARE newer I-Builds, but no I-Build Update Site
Xpand (
also has All-in-One-P2-Updatesite, also only for 0.7.0,
there ARE newer I-Builds, but no Update-Site
Xtext is hosted at TMF
Xtext (
also has All-in-One-P2-Updatesite, also only for 0.7.0,
there ARE newer I-Builds, but no Update-Site
Does this really mean, I can use a P2 Updatesite from Galileo, but to
follow the development,
I have to stick with Downloads of I-Builds ?
This would be a step-back in comfort from my POV
per ex. just read in twitter that Karsten has submitted an important
Xpand UML2 typesystem patch,
I'm using EMF and UML2, so I would like to get this easy
Its no problem that I have to watch 3 projects and I know that at some
time oaw-working-group will provide (hopefully) a P2-Updatesite for all
but I'm hoping there's a way to get I-Builds from the 3 projects as an
UpdateSite as from Galileo Release.
or do I have overlooked something ?