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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Possible Bug in in ping handling

Hi Graham,

I've just pushed a change which I think fixes this. You can find it on
the "fixes" branch. If you can, I'd appreciate it if you could test it
and confirm that it works for you.



On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Roger Light <roger@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> Thanks, I'd got the wrong end of the stick, this makes much more sense
> now. I can see what needs fixing, I just need to think about the best
> way of doing it. I'll try and have a look at it tonight.
> Cheers,
> Roger
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 5:16 PM,  <mosquitto-dev.gpbenton@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Roger,
>> The line
>> system("mosquitto_pub -t /test -m Off");
>> is simulating what is happening to my client.  A completely separate
>> client is sending a publish, which my client accepts, but then causes my
>> client to re-connect some time later.
>> I cannot control when this other client publishes , so my client
>> re-connects randomly throughout the day.  My client does not normally
>> publish messages.
>> The example code publishes (from a completely separate client, as you
>> say) about 3 seconds before the receiving client is due to generate a
>> ping, which seems to reproduce the symptoms every time.
>> I hope that makes the situation clearer.
>> Regards
>> Graham
>> On 22/02/2016 14:48, Roger Light - roger@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> Hi Graham,
>>> I'm not quite sure how your code can produce the behaviour you are
>>> seeing. The line:
>>> system("mosquitto_pub -t /test -m Off");
>>> produces a completely new client that is unrelated to the one you are
>>> running in your code - and hence wouldn't modify the keepalive timer
>>> for your client. If you call mosquitto_publish() at that point instead
>>> you should hopefully not have any further problems.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Roger
>>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 3:31 PM,  <mosquitto-dev.gpbenton@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I believe the program below demonstrates a bug in the ping handling of a
>>>> client.  It appears that receiving a message just
>>>> before a ping is expected results in the client sending another
>>>> connection request.  The result is
>>>> graham@graham-VirtualBox-k14:~/engMQTTClientTest$ ./clientText
>>>> Client clientText sending CONNECT
>>>> Client clientText received CONNACK
>>>> Client clientText sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: /test, QoS: 2)
>>>> Client clientText received SUBACK
>>>> Client clientText received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/test', ... (3 bytes))
>>>> /test:Off
>>>> Client clientText sending CONNECT
>>>> Client clientText received CONNACK
>>>> Client clientText sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 2, Topic: /test, QoS: 2)
>>>> Client clientText received SUBACK
>>>> Client clientText received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, '/test', ... (3 bytes))
>>>> /test:Off
>>>> ^C
>>>> Of course, I may have misinterpreted something.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Graham Benton
>>>> #include <stdio.h>
>>>> #include <string.h>
>>>> #include <time.h>
>>>> #include <mosquitto.h>
>>>> enum fail_codes {
>>>>     ERROR_LOG4C_INIT=1,
>>>>     ERROR_MOSQ_NEW,
>>>> };
>>>> int countdown = 0;
>>>> void my_message_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata,
>>>>                          const struct mosquitto_message *message)
>>>> {
>>>>     char tempString[message->payloadlen+1];
>>>>     strncpy(tempString, message->payload, message->payloadlen);
>>>>     tempString[message->payloadlen] = '\0';
>>>>     printf("%s:%s\n", message->topic, tempString);
>>>> }
>>>> void my_connect_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int result)
>>>> {
>>>>     if(!result){
>>>>         /* Subscribe to broker information topics on successful connect. */
>>>>         mosquitto_subscribe(mosq, NULL,  "/test", 2);
>>>>     }else{
>>>>     printf("Not Connected");
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> void my_log_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int level,
>>>>                      const char *str)
>>>> {
>>>>     printf("%s\n", str);
>>>>     countdown = 17;
>>>> }
>>>> int main(int argc, char **argv){
>>>>     struct mosquitto *mosq = NULL;
>>>>     int err = 0;
>>>>     mosquitto_lib_init();
>>>>     mosq = mosquitto_new("clientText", true, NULL);
>>>>     if(!mosq){
>>>>         return ERROR_MOSQ_NEW;
>>>>     }
>>>>     mosquitto_log_callback_set(mosq, my_log_callback);
>>>>     mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mosq, my_connect_callback);
>>>>     mosquitto_message_callback_set(mosq, my_message_callback);
>>>>     if((err = mosquitto_connect_async(mosq, "localhost", 1883, 20))
>>>>        != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){
>>>>         return ERROR_MOSQ_CONNECT;
>>>>     }
>>>>     if ((err = mosquitto_loop_start(mosq)) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) {
>>>>         mosquitto_disconnect(mosq);
>>>>         mosquitto_destroy(mosq);
>>>>         mosquitto_lib_cleanup();
>>>>         return ERROR_MOSQ_LOOP_START;
>>>>     }
>>>>     while (1) {
>>>>     sleep(1);
>>>>     /* Send a message just before the ping is due */
>>>>     if (--countdown == 0) {
>>>>         system("mosquitto_pub -t /test -m Off");
>>>>     }
>>>>     }
>>>> }
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