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May 30, 2013
12:22 Re: [modeling-pmc] EGF 1.1.0 release review Ed Merks
11:31 [modeling-pmc] EGF 1.1.0 release review LANGLOIS Benoit
10:31 [modeling-pmc] EMF 2.9 release review Ed Merks
10:29 [modeling-pmc] XSD 2.9 release review Ed Merks
10:02 Re: [modeling-pmc] ATL 3.4.0 release William Piers
09:41 Re: [modeling-pmc] ATL 3.4.0 release Wayne Beaton
09:37 Re: [modeling-pmc] MoDisco 0.11.0 Release Review Wayne Beaton
09:36 Re: [modeling-pmc] EcoreTools 1.2.0 release review Wayne Beaton
09:33 Re: [modeling-pmc] Amalgam 1.4.0 release review Ed Merks
09:30 [modeling-pmc] Amalgam 1.4.0 release review Cédric Brun
09:25 Re: [modeling-pmc] EcoreTools 1.2.0 release review Ed Merks
09:04 [modeling-pmc] EcoreTools 1.2.0 release review Cédric Brun
08:52 [modeling-pmc] MoDisco 0.11.0 Release Review Hugo Brunelière
08:19 Re: [modeling-pmc] ATL 3.4.0 release Ed Merks
08:18 Re: [modeling-pmc] EEF 1.2.0 release and move review Ed Merks
08:17 Re: [modeling-pmc] Graphiti 0.10.0 Release Ed Merks
08:16 Re: [modeling-pmc] EMF Compare 2.1.0 Release Ed Merks
08:14 Re: [modeling-pmc] UML2 4.1 Release Review Ed Merks
04:29 [modeling-pmc] ATL 3.4.0 release William Piers
04:10 [modeling-pmc] EEF 1.2.0 release and move review Goulwen Le Fur
04:00 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7321] asm Version: 4.0 (ATO CQ6591) (using Orbit CQ7061) emo-ip-team
May 29, 2013
11:17 [modeling-pmc] Graphiti 0.10.0 Release Wenz, Michael
May 28, 2013
03:42 [modeling-pmc] EMF Compare 2.1.0 Release Laurent Goubet
May 27, 2013
11:46 [modeling-pmc] UML2 4.1 Release Review Kenn Hussey
May 24, 2013
12:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7305] log4j 1.2.13 Version: 1.2.13 (PB CQ2168) emo-ip-team
12:00 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7304] ANTLR runtime Version: 3.0 (PB CQ1921) emo-ip-team
May 17, 2013
13:47 [modeling-pmc] Modeling downloads on the root page Wayne Beaton
May 08, 2013
17:08 [modeling-pmc] Adding some steam to the Modeling project restructuring... Eclipse Management Organization
May 06, 2013
10:45 Re: [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3 release Wayne Beaton
08:18 Re: [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3 release Ed Merks
06:12 [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3 release Henrik
April 25, 2013
06:50 Re: [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3.0 release review Ed Merks
April 24, 2013
10:51 Re: [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3.0 release review Henrik Rentz-Reichert
April 18, 2013
04:32 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7201] Copy of MetaclassInstancesAdapter files from MoDisco emo-ip-team
04:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7201] Copy of MetaclassInstancesAdapter files from MoDisco emo-ip-team
April 17, 2013
06:43 Re: [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3.0 release review Henrik Rentz-Reichert
April 16, 2013
14:45 Re: [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3.0 release review Wayne Beaton
12:35 [modeling-pmc] eTrice 0.3.0 release review Henrik
April 15, 2013
11:24 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7155] Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.6 (ATO CQ6183) (using Orbit CQ6450 ) emo-ip-team
April 05, 2013
07:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7155] Apache Commons Lang Version: 2.6 (ATO CQ6183) (using Orbit CQ6450 ) emo-ip-team
00:00 [modeling-pmc] Project meta data is out of date for modeling portal on behalf of emo
March 28, 2013
01:47 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Tamas Szabo has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks
00:01 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tamas Szabo portal on behalf of emo
March 26, 2013
04:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7140] convert textile to LaTex documentation emo-ip-team
March 24, 2013
00:47 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Johannes Faltermeier has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks
00:00 [modeling-pmc] Reminder to approve committer vote for Johannes Faltermeier portal on behalf of emo
March 19, 2013
02:13 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Johannes Faltermeier has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks
00:01 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Johannes Faltermeier portal on behalf of emo
March 16, 2013
12:17 Re: [modeling-pmc] Release of Xtext and Xtend Ed Merks
March 15, 2013
14:10 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Johannes Faltermeier portal on behalf of emo
March 14, 2013
11:12 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Axel RICHARD has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Cedric Brun
00:01 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Axel RICHARD portal on behalf of emo
March 06, 2013
10:38 [modeling-pmc] Release of Xtext and Xtend Sven Efftinge
March 04, 2013
14:46 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7093] Google Guava Version: r09 Version: 9 (PB CQ5691) emo-ip-team
14:46 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7092] Google Guava Version: r08 (PB CQ4895) emo-ip-team
February 27, 2013
15:05 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Boubekeur Zendagui has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks
11:34 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Boubekeur Zendagui portal on behalf of emo
February 21, 2013
12:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7093] Google Guava Version: r09 Version: 9 (PB CQ5691) emo-ip-team
12:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7092] Google Guava Version: r08 (PB CQ4895) emo-ip-team
February 14, 2013
07:18 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Schmeling, Benjamin
February 13, 2013
08:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7084] EMF-incQuery bug fix for transitive closure emo-ip-team
08:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7083] EMF-IncQuery patch to use ECore packages from target platform definitions emo-ip-team
February 08, 2013
10:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7072] Graphiti Diagrams in views emo-ip-team
February 06, 2013
17:43 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Christopher Gerking has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks
15:12 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Christopher Gerking portal on behalf of emo
10:55 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7056] Guava Version: 11.0.2 emo-ip-team
10:48 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7056] Guava Version: 11.0.2 emo-ip-team
01:18 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Tobias Verhoeven has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks
February 05, 2013
11:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7056] Guava Version: 11.0.2 emo-ip-team
February 04, 2013
05:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7048] ANTLR Version: 3.0 Runtime Only (PB Orbit CQ1921) ( using Orbit CQ6300) emo-ip-team
February 01, 2013
15:54 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tobias Verhoeven portal on behalf of emo
13:17 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Tobias Verhoeven has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Miles Parker
03:00 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7042] agilegrid Version: 1.3..1 emo-ip-team
00:01 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Tobias Verhoeven portal on behalf of emo
January 29, 2013
06:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7040] ANTLR Runtime only: Version: 3.2 (ATO CQ3820) ( using Orbit CQ4865) emo-ip-team
06:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7039] Guice Version: 2.0 (Subset - see comment26) (ATO CQ3498) ( using Orbit CQ3831) emo-ip-team
06:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7038] Guava Version: 10.0.1 (ATO CQ5804) (using Orbit CQ6121) emo-ip-team
January 28, 2013
08:59 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Christian Damus has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Kenn Hussey
03:29 [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Christian Damus portal on behalf of emo
January 27, 2013
14:04 Re: [modeling-pmc] New Co-Lead for Xpand Wayne Beaton
January 26, 2013
08:19 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Ed Merks
January 25, 2013
11:30 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Tom Morris
11:02 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Schmeling, Benjamin
10:53 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Ed Merks
09:59 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Wayne Beaton
06:58 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Wenz, Michael
06:26 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Wenz, Michael
01:57 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Ed Merks
January 24, 2013
14:20 Re: [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling Philipp W. Kutter | Montages AG
08:57 [modeling-pmc] New project proposal Technical Architecture Modeling (TAM) Schmeling, Benjamin
January 23, 2013
05:11 Re: [modeling-pmc] EMP development participation Ed Willink
04:51 Re: [modeling-pmc] EMP development participation Martin Taal
04:42 Re: [modeling-pmc] EMP development participation GERARD Sebastien 166342
04:30 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7030] dom4j Version: 1.6.1 (PB CQ1362) emo-ip-team
January 22, 2013
12:51 Re: [modeling-pmc] EMP development participation Miles Parker
08:08 [modeling-pmc] EMP development participation podlomar
January 21, 2013
00:00 [modeling-pmc] [CQ 7025] Cumulative QVTo patches emo-ip-team
January 18, 2013
02:54 Re: [modeling-pmc] Fwd: Ed Merks
January 17, 2013
20:28 [modeling-pmc] Fwd: Ed Merks
January 11, 2013
00:29 [modeling-pmc] Committer vote for Pavel Erofeev has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Ed Merks

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