A few things that ought to be adjusted to integrate the feedback received after me- judging the MPWG Marketing call (Oct 4th) as not necessary based on current Trademark priorities being handled asynchronously:
- a 24hrs window should be tried out ( workweek and never on a Friday) to enable MicroProfilers & the EF team to give feedback on "keeping" an MPWG marketing call in the off weeks.
- That "must keep" feedback should contain relevant topics to protect the MPWG's Lower Bar To Entry Pilar.
- What else can be improved?
For reference:
The Oct 4th call was deleted after sending the message on the Trademark update yesterday. As previously judged from the past calls and deletions, the sole responsible is me from that judgment based on current conversations and work being completed - zooming out.
The MPWG marketing calls in the off Mondays calls exist in 2021 as not a "set" hour to be had for the sake of seeing each other. The calls are approved to exist strategically by MicroProfilers who every quarter evaluable if the calls ought to come back.
Should we keep that call off or on the calendar?
I recommend we keep it off the calendar and asynchronously contribute & communicate by using the git issue below to ask questions to Paul.
The suggested agenda is based on Paul's feedback: 2021 MPWG marketing expenditures.
IMPO, the MPWG cannot start and must not be forced to spend the +30K available under its Marketing Expenses allocation, without having the Compatible logo chosen. That logo is needed to enable the re-design of the entire MP swag. Please see spreadsheet tab 2021- Total Budget, example swag & its distribution (the +30K does not include the leftover from the $40K we are going to get back into the 2021 budget carry over to 2022 budget from the great work in the Trademark program) About +$25K is allocated to swag and its global distribution.
All that MP swag redesign work will continue to be done by MicroProfilers as it has been in the past. We hope to integrate our +5yrs Swags vendors to the EF as well. All that work will start soon, as discussed in multiple Community calls with updates on the budget status.
Now, if other MicroProfilers, who proactively attend the off-MPWG mktg calls still consider that the Oct 4th call must occur, please own it by re-adding it to the MP calendar.
PS: I have already planned my 4th without that live-hour allocation to Steward the MP call. I don't believe it is necessary given the explanation above.
Thanks for enabling betterment on processes via exchanges that are received in open forums. It makes MP so very strong & welcoming!