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[] 答复: [4.0.0_M6] Reduce build errors to 0

Hi Camille,

Thanks for the info.

Regarding the qvto issue, what I encountered is the build failure caused by a simple path typo (see below), which seems related to but not exactly the same as your description.

I've already submitted a bug record:

Bug 534903 - Failed to build project caused by incorrect Target Model URI defined in the project properties

Tried to build 4.0.0M6 on Photon, however the project failed with unrecognized modeltype XML entires in qvto files.


In the Project properties/QVT settings/Metamodel mappings,

Source model URI (correct):

and Target model URI (wrong):

here …/model/xml.ecore is wrong and should be replaced with .../models/xml.ecore, since the local folder 'model' does not exist, but 'models' where the XML metamodel exists.
I'm not sure if the wrong Target model URI was set from elsewhere automatically. This bug has caused compile errors in the qvto files (UIToXML and XMLToUI) of the project.

Verification will be appreciated.



发件人: <> 代表 Camille Letavernier <cletavernier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
发送时间: 2018年5月21日 11:30
收件人: Papyrus Project list
主题: Re: [] [4.0.0_M6] Reduce build errors to 0
Hi Zhang,

The final API Baseline for Papyrus Photon (4.0.0) has not been released yet, because a new minor version (3.4.0) of Papyrus based on Oxygen will still be released in the next few days.

Once the final API Baseline is ready & published, we can start fixing the API versioning issues.

The other issues can probably be fixed already (Especially the test packages/folders issue). QVTo issues may or may not be fixable (IIRC, QVTo doesn't properly support nested EPackages when they are present in the Workspace - but that works fine at runtime. If this is still the case, we won't be able to fix the reported compile errors. If this issue has been fixed in QVTo, then we can probably provide some URI Mappings for the nested EPackages, to reference the workspace location of the *.ecore files).


On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 11:53 AM, zhang xun <zhangxun_service@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi folks,
Papyrus is great, thank you!

As a newcomer, I'm building and exploring 4.0.0_M6 on macOS these days. Find that there are still over 400 build errors (most in MANIFEST files):

2 java problems, 
some qvto problems, 
several build path problems (non-existing test folders), 
some plugin problems (non-existing exported test packages), 
and hundreds of version range problems. 

Although they are minor and don't hinder Papyrus' successful running, they're distracting.

Is now the proper time and feasible to remove them all? I'm willing to offer my time and efforts.


Charlie Zhang
Shanghai, China

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Camille Letavernier

Senior Software Engineer
EclipseSource France

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