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Re: [] Architecture Framework conversion

For Activity, SysML defines the following specificities:



My proposal w.r.t. these specific model elements is following:

-          For ControlOperator, we could add two new tool in the palette: {“Behavior Control Operator” and “Operation Control Operator”} or {“Control Operator (as Behavior)” and “Control Operator (as Operation)}”

-          For other, we shall provide specific property page enabling to apply/unapply the respective stereotypes:

o   E.g., for Parameter: check boxes for Optional, and toggle bow for either Continuous Rate or Discrete Rate with the possibility the set the value of the property rate.









Sébastien Gérard

Head of the LISE labs

CEA Research Director

Papyrus project Leader (


Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives

Institut List | CEA Saclay Nano-INNOV | Bât. 862- PC174

F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

M. +33 6 88 20 00 47

T. +33 1 69 08 58 24






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De : [] De la part de MAGGI Benoit
Envoyé : mercredi 19 juillet 2017 10:09
À : Papyrus Project list <>
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [] Architecture Framework conversion




We want to use a « duplicated » representationkind of Activity diagram in SysML

(more information here [1])


The goal is also to keep a working diagram in both context.

So palette (for example) should be present in UML and SysML 1.4 (after the context switch)



-          the way to go seems to be conversion command (cd doc [2]) but it’s unidirectional

o   So I can provide the UML->SysML 1.4 conversion

o   Is there a way to provide the way back (without changing code in Papyrus core)?

§  (One solution seems to code the conversion in UML Architecture but this won’t be available in an “external” DSML)

-          Is there an example of IModelConversionCommand ?





1 :

2 : a conversion command (converts a model to this framework),



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