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Re: [] Guava dependencies

Hello all,

One point I would add to Ed’s comment is that Guava for DI is something that can lead to really bad side effects.

And this is what happened to us using Papyrus and another framework (JIRA Mylyn Connector) that brought a later version of Guava. The issue is available here : and here:

Here, the installation of such broke papyrus, Activiti designer and all the internal GMF-based diagrams.

More than only upgrading the version, this needs to be considered, to ensure that we can get rid of this side effect issue, and maybe integrate the jar as a thirdparty & reexport it...

I don't want to break hopes on that, but for people who use GMF diagrams and have such configuration, may get a bad feeling about the tools... :(


On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 11:01 AM, LETAVERNIER Camille <Camille.LETAVERNIER@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,



A few Papyrus components depend on the Guava API. In Guava 10.0.0, some API have been deprecated. In Guava >= 11.0.0, these methods don’t exist anymore.


Most plug-ins declare a dependency to Guava >= 10.0.0, which means they are supposed to work with Guava 11 and Guava 12. However, they usually rely on these deprecated methods available only in Guava 10.x


There are two solutions:


-          Do not use deprecated APIs of Guava 10.x

-          Use an explicit dependency to Guava [10.0.0, 11.0.0) (i.e. excluding Guava >= 11.0.0)


Until this is fixed, there will be undeterministic behaviors and bugs, depending on the Eclipse installation and which versions of Guava are available @runtime.


Note that XText also reexports its dependency to Guava, but as Guava is not a singleton library, this should not have any impact on other plug-ins.





Camille Letavernier

+33 (0)1 69 08 00 59 - camille.letavernier@xxxxxx

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