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Re: [] Papyrus : Activity and sequence diagramprogress.

  Ok, now it works for me.
  I thing will should now delete the faulty projects from SVN. They will still in the history if we need them later.
  Can we also delete archive, or move it outside papyrus-gmf ?

 About the guide format, you are right, odt should be better for portability. I more habit with word than with .odt, and also I thing that drawing figure is more easy with word.
  Can't openoffice open .doc ?


Francisco Javier Cano wrote:

 Cedric, thanks for taking care of the menu entries ;).

 About your problem, I think you cannot work with the Activity and Sequence diagrams as the old '*' plugins are no longer required.
 Furthermore, they should be removed from the workspace, otherwise they can interfere with the 'org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.*' editors.
 The 'org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.activity' and 'org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.sequence' contain now both the diagram editor and the adapter into the backbone.

 Please, remove the '*' projects from your workspace and try again.

 The developers guide will be of much help. It looks good for now. I would improve one thing: make it .odt instead of .doc :)


Francisco Javier Cano Muñoz
Programador senior

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Cedric Dumoulin
Sent: Tue 28/10/2008 13:53
To: Papyrus Project list
Subject: Re: [] Papyrus : Activity and sequence diagramprogress.


  I have corrected the menu entries.
 I have started a "developper guide" that will list the extensions IDs 
used by menus, toolbar, commands, and every thing needed when 
developping this huge project :-). It is a draft and every one can 
/should contribute.
It is in the doc plugin.

  The new diagrams don't work for me. I can create new one, but once 
created, I can't add new elements.
Note that I have two errors when starting Papyrus II:

Errors occurred in parsing XML element type bindings contributed by 
plugin "": client context "{0}" 
does not exist
Errors occurred in parsing XML element type bindings contributed by 
plugin "": client context "{0}" 
does not exist


Francisco Javier Cano wrote:

  I've just committed the changes for the activity and sequence diagram editors.

  - These editors have been moved to the 'org.eclipse.papyrus' namespace.
  - The parsers in the '' plugin have been moved
    to the 'org.eclipse.papyrus.diagram.common' plugin.

  With these changes the following projects are no longer needed as far as the activity
  and sequence diagrams are concerned:
  · ''
  · ''
  · ''
  If nobody else uses these projects they can be safely removed from the repository.

  With these changes both the activity and sequence diagram editors work with the current
  backbone, although there are some issues I cannot solve:
   - the 'undo' action is not available
   - the assistent popup to create new elements does not appear.

  Please, take a look to these editors. They work for me with the latest repository.


Francisco Javier Cano Muñoz
Programador senior

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