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Re: [m2e-users] m2e oddities

You shouldn't need to use RunAs->Maven actions as part of your
code-compile-test workflow. Workspace build, preferably incremental,
should do the compile and RunAs->JUnitTest should run the tests. In most
cases this means you save your changes and can (re)run the tests right
from JUnit view.

As a side note, I plan to replace most of RunAs->Maven actions with
dynamic list of most-recently used configurations eventually. Not sure
when this will happen though.


On 11/8/2013, 11:54 AM, Andrew Pennebaker wrote:
I've noticed a few oddities in how m2e handles Maven projects, that
don't appear when `mvn` is run directly in a terminal.

The *m2e -> Run -> mvn test* menu item skips any user-defined
generate-sources phase in the pom, requiring that it be done manually.

The *m2e -> Run* menu does not include `mvn compile` by default. This is
one of the most used Maven phases, comparable to `mvn test`.

The *m2e -> Run mvn ...* menu is hidden when the pom editor tab is not
selected. In a TDD workflow, where a Java coder wants to tweak .java
code and run `mvn test`, repeat, this really gets in the way. It would
be nice if selecting a tab of any child file in a Maven project enabled
the *m2e Run* menu based on the nearest pom.xml up the directory tree.


Andrew Pennebaker
apennebaker@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:apennebaker@xxxxxxxxx>

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