You *can* use webby in JavaEE Kepler, even if m2e-wtp is installed.
You need to tell m2e to use webby instead of m2e-wtp. You have 2 options :
- Either modify your pom.xml to add an m2e lifecycle mapping, like :
This will enable webby for this specific war project. Others would use the default m2e-wtp configurator.
- Or use a workspace wide lifecycle mapping configuration (all war projects will use webby). Open Preferences > Maven > Lifecycle Mapping > Open workspace lifecycle mapping metadata (you can change its default location), and add :
save and reload the mapping metadata. You might need to trigger a full workspace build so that webby generates the target/m2e-webby/war folder.
Either one of these steps will allow you to do Run As > Run as webby on your project.
On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 8:36 AM, COLLIGNON, Thomas <t-collignon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes without me2-wtp it works ! I have this in eclipse Kepler “standard”, but in eclipse
Kepler “J2ee” how can I disabled me2-wtp ?
You should only have one of Webby and m2e-wtp installed.
On 19 July 2013 06:47, COLLIGNON, Thomas <t-collignon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes I Have tried, but no success L
Since Juno I have never get this message …
The new folder M2e-wtp will maybe in conflict with old folder m2e-webby ?
have you tried doing what the message says? I get it occassionaly but refreshing and & cleaning the affected project helps.
Also make sure you have "Project > Build automatically" option enabled.
On 07/18/2013 11:58 AM, COLLIGNON, Thomas wrote:
I have recently get new eclipse Kepler and m2e 1.4.0 but I think that webby will not work now
I have this issue :
WAR base directory, D:\XXXXXX\m2e-webby\war does not exist, please ensure your workspace is refreshed and has been built
If this will be fix in webby next time ?
Thanks all
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