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[m2e-users] m2e, multi-module, EAR and Workspace resolution


I'm using Eclipse Indigo together with m2e 1.0.2, m2e-wtp 0.15.2 to develop a maven multi module project. The structure is as follows

- product (pom) (modules client, server, test)
  - client (jar)
  - server (pom) (modules ejb, web, ear)
      - ear (ear) (modules web, ejb)
      - ejb (ejb)
      - web (war)
  - test

Working with maven via cmdline works as expected. Also deployment of the ear via WTP makes no problems.

Invoking the test project (integration tests) using client and server deps work via cmdline but not within Eclipse.

In the test project I use the maven-dependency-plugin to copy the ear as a dependency to the target/dependency folder for later deployment via arquillian. As m2e lifecycle mapping I added the maven-dependency-plugin with <execute />. Now when I execute the test, a file is created in the target/dependency folder with the name of the ear, but the content is only the POM (!) of the ear project :)! If I disable "Maven/Workspace resolution" in the test project settings, the correct ear file is copied instead and almost everything is fine.

Almost, because the drawback is, that changes to all other projects won't be picked up until I execute a mvn install via cmdline. This is annoying after a while.

So my question is: why is the ear's POM copied to the dependency folder instead of the real ear?

Thanks for your support.


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