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Re: [m2e-users] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Ignoring the enforcer plugin

lifecycle mapping is just xml, there is no code anywhere and no plugin.
But, again, it is only used under pluginManagement section. This section
by itself does not affect maven build in any way.


On 11-06-08 9:41 AM, Thorsten Heit wrote:
 > lifecycle-mapping is only expected to be used inside <pluginManagement/>
 > pom.xml section, and Maven itself does not perform any validation of
 > lifecycle-mapping poms, etc. Some projects put lifecycle-mapping to
 > special profile activated inside m2e only to be extra sure m2e
 > configuration is not affecting their command line builds.

Yes, sure, but that doesn't really answer my question:
Is the lifecycle mapping section, say, some kind of XML that is only
parsed internally by m2e? Looking at the pom it seems to be a plugin
that is downloadable somewhere (although only used/usable by m2e)...



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