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Re: [m2e-users] importing maven webapps - failed sometimes?


first off, thank you very much for your message and taking care of my

Am Fri, 13 May 2011 15:28:47 +0200
schrieb Fred Bricon <fbricon@xxxxxxxxx>:
> - do you see anything in the eclipse log? <workspace>/.metadata/.log

No, unfortunately nothing except for the usual output to be found
here, nothing that somehow relates to m2e or the projects in question.

> - have you installed m2e(clipse) wtp? If so what version are you
> using?

No, at least not that I know. Installed latest Eclipse Indigo all along
with the m2e bits off the Indigo repository, didn't find a dedicated
WTP module there. I thought of something like this as well, by now, but
the WTP bits found in the sonatype repository aren't likely to install
in my environment, and then again: It seems to work for most of the

> - do you have a multi-module setup or only webapps?

At the moment it's a bunch of webapps and a .jar artifact all these do
depend upon, but the latter one seems to not have any problems.

> - for the failing projects, are the failure reproduceable when
> importing on a clean workspace?

Well, I'll try to "really" reproduce this. At the moment, it's hard to
tell as by now the projects are imported. It is just as "reproducible"
as I am completely unable to get two of the six webapps to run inside
the Glassfishv3 in the workspace while all other projects do well. This
situation, however, seems rather "stable", and the projects are
altogether almost identical.

Generally, I wouldn't even bother much if I just managed to figure out
where / how to "configure these two projects right", i.o.w. how to tell
the IDE to, while deploying the applications to Glassfish, also make
the Web App Libraries available to the app server which seems to be at
least partially missing in these deploys... Activating them in any of
the project configuration dialogs (i.e. the one to be reached via
Project -> Properties), however, didn't really change that...

Thanks again and best regards,

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