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Re: [jms-dev] PR / progress ready for Jakarta Messaging and milestone?

If no one is available, I could try to give it a shot tomorrow so we make the deadline.  However, I'd be very happy to give the honors to those that have been more active in doing the actual spec update work.

Anyone want the honors?

David Blevins

On Jun 11, 2020, at 10:07 AM, Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi JMS Committer Team,

Is the Jakarta Messaging Spec. ready to to listed for Milestone ready? I can see that the Spec. document was updated a few weeks back, but I'm not sure if it's ready. Kevin's board shows it at 8 of 11 check.

Is it known if anyone on the committer team is actively shepherding Jakarta Messaging to the milestone and planning to submit a Specification site Pull Request?

-- Ed

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