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Re: [jgit-dev] hector and other cassandra CQs approved?

On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Shawn Pearce <spearce@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So was hector the other cassandra related dependencies approved for
> use?  Can I move jgit_cassandra over to the main jgit repository?

I created the JGit CQs for Cassandra 0.7.0 and friends:
     [CQ 4871] Apache Cassandra Version: 0.7.0
     [CQ 4872] High Scale Lib Version: 1.1.2
     [CQ 4873] New: Apache Thrift Java Library Version: 0.5

Hector is already fully approved under CQ 4794.

The rest of the libraries are approved for use at Eclipse, we just
have to wait a few days for the IP team to give us the OK and we'll be
good. I'm hoping you can contribute jgit_cassandra by the end of this
upcoming week.

> Also, FWIW I'm looking at Apache Hadoop HBase too.  Cassandra fell
> over and died on me while trying to perform object reuse selection for
> 1.8 million objects, its read performance just isn't that good.  But
> the spi layer is pretty simple, so I'm inclined to continue to support
> it, even if I also build an HBase spi in parallel.

You'll have to give me a bit of time on HBase... looking at the
dependencies, we have a lot of them already approved at Eclipse...
just need to go through and see what's missing and if anything would
cause problems :/

<!-- Dependencies -->
466	    <avro.version>1.4.1</avro.version>
467	    <commons-cli.version>1.2</commons-cli.version>
468	    <commons-codec.version>1.4</commons-codec.version>
469	    <commons-httpclient.version>3.1</commons-httpclient.version><!--
pretty outdated -->
470	    <commons-lang.version>2.5</commons-lang.version>
471	    <commons-logging.version>1.1.1</commons-logging.version>
472	    <commons-math.version>2.1</commons-math.version>
473	    <guava.version>r06</guava.version>
474	    <!--The below was made by patching branch-0.20-append
475	    at revision 1034499 with this hdfs-895 patch:
477	    -->
478	    <hadoop.version>0.20-append-r1056497</hadoop.version>
479	    <jasper.version>5.5.23</jasper.version>
480	    <jaxb-api.version>2.1</jaxb-api.version>
481	    <jetty.version>6.1.26</jetty.version>
482	    <jetty.jspapi.version>6.1.14</jetty.jspapi.version>
483	    <jersey.version>1.4</jersey.version>
484	    <!--JRuby > 1.0.x has *GPL jars in it so we can't upgrade. See
485	    <jruby.version>1.0.3</jruby.version>
486	    <jsr311.version>1.1.1</jsr311.version>
487	    <junit.version>4.8.1</junit.version>
488	    <log4j.version>1.2.16</log4j.version>
489	    <mockito-all.version>1.8.5</mockito-all.version>
490	    <protobuf.version>2.3.0</protobuf.version>
491	    <slf4j.version>1.5.8</slf4j.version><!-- newer version available -->
492	    <stax-api.version>1.0.1</stax-api.version>
493	    <thrift.version>0.2.0</thrift.version><!-- newer version available -->
494	    <zookeeper.version>3.3.2</zookeeper.version>


Chris Aniszczyk
+1 860 839 2465

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