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[jdt-dev] Reconciling Everywhere Feature

A new feature has been released into HEAD for testing: "Reconcile Everywhere".

The Packages view and all Java Browsing views will reconcile on Java element changes i.e. they will show changes immediately and not wait until the CU is saved. More views might support "Reconcile everywhere" as we progress with this feature.

Depending on the outcome of the tests and user feedback this feature may or may not be included in 2.0.

Known Limitations:
- Open Type dialog does not support reconciling
- no reconiling (yet) in the Type Hierarchy view
- Packages view: F3 and open lose selection

Implementation detail:
Views that reconcile share the same working copy which is requested from the IWorkingCopyManager. There is a Java Model API which allows to create (getSharedWorkingCopy) and find a shared working copy (findSharedWorkingCopy) for a CU. The creation of a shared working copy needs a buffer factory which creates the working copy buffer. The current API (and its use in the UI) will lead to problems if clients request a shared working copy with a buffer factory (because of different buffer type). This could be solved by adding a parameter to the findSharedWorkingCopy method (e.g. the buffer factory class). Clients which use the IWorkingCopy API are safe.


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