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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] GlassFish and JDK 11

On 7/3/20 11:22 AM, Steve Millidge (Payara) wrote:

Hi Steve, all,

The next big thing we need to do in GlassFish is the move to JDK 11 support. How do you want to coordinate that with the TCK development?

Good question, Alwin mentioned in a different mail thread that we will seek to keep separate ts.jte + ts.jte.jdk11 config files. That along with being able to choose between JDK 8 + 11 when running the jakartaeetck-nightly-run-master + standalonetck-nightly-build-run-master, will help us prepare for running against the JDK 11 version of GlassFish.

In terms of coordination, please do let us know when your ready for us to start reporting JDK 11 TCK test failures. Until then, we can probably continue with testing against JDK 8 (whether using the GlassFish nightly build or the jakartaee-tck/build-glassfish job).


Is there anything we specifically need to do not to break or delay your work?



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