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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Platform TCK run started

I don't know. Since we are trying to get all the name-space issues ironed out -- I am not sure it will be very worthwhile to try and diagnose problems that crop up after we find there are still name-space issues in the packages. I'd try to get those issues corrected first since they suggest that the Jakartification work isn't quite finished yet.

-- Ed

On 6/10/2020 2:22 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 4:54 PM Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


In the domain log, of [1], the very first exception trace at line 335 includes which is probably not correct.

If this isn't expected, I would posit that it could be difficult to interpret results while there are still name-space errors.


In that first exception trace, I do see, which has almost the same package as but Subject is not there.  Subject is still in SE 11+, so any issue here?


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