We just started the nightly Platform TCK run with today's GlassFish master changes (which includes the ORB switch to use jakarta package classes).
As you probably have guessed, the consoleText will show the test output for all jobs that have run and can only be accessed by those that can login the Eclipse CI TCK Jenkins server. If you don't have access but would like to see the output, let me know and I will find a way to upload a zip of the text file somewhere.
The above mentioned consoleText download, shows "NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/ts/tests/common/connector/util/TSMessageListenerInterface" which should of been resolved via whitebox.jar. The whitebox.jar should of been resolved via the whitebox-anno_no_md.rar which has whitebox.jar referenced from MANIFEST.MF:
Extension-List: tsharness cts whitebox
tsharness-Extension-Name: tsharness
tsharness-Specification-Version: 1.4
tsharness-Implementation-Version: 1.4
tsharness-Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.sun
cts-Extension-Name: cts
cts-Specification-Version: 1.4
cts-Implementation-Version: 1.4
cts-Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.sun
whitebox-Extension-Name: whitebox
whitebox-Specification-Version: 1.6
whitebox-Implementation-Version: 1.6
whitebox-Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.sun
Would it help to add --verbose option when starting GlassFish to get more information from GlassFish? Anything else that we should do?