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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Platform TCK run started

We just started the nightly Platform TCK run with today's GlassFish master changes (which includes the ORB switch to use jakarta package classes).

We stopped the run after 20 hours, if you open and right button click on "View as plain text" on left side of window, then "save the link as..." to save the consoleText file locally.

As you probably have guessed, the consoleText will show the test output for all jobs that have run and can only be accessed by those that can login the Eclipse CI TCK Jenkins server.  If you don't have access but would like to see the output, let me know and I will find a way to upload a zip of the text file somewhere.  


It looks like we deployment failures to work out, some CNFE errors on com.sun.ts.tests.common.connector.util.TSMessageListenerInterface and javax.ejb.EntityBean (see issue #313 mentioned below).  


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