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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Nature of Ongoing Votes
  • From: Edward Burns <Edward.Burns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 22:35:17 +0000
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  • Thread-topic: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Nature of Ongoing Votes

This is my first time doing this, and Ivar has already agreed to manage the counting. Regardless of what I write here, the process will be what the process normally is.


Using the “balls and boxes” metaphor, my understanding of the counting method for the BALLOT emails (Data, NoSQL, MVC) is:


  • We have three boxes: -1, 0, and 1.
  • Each individual listed at has one ball.
    • They are entitled to place their ball in exactly one of those three buckets.
  • When the BALLOT ends, the box with the most balls in it wins.
    • If that box is the -1 box, the spec does not go in.
    • If that box is the 0 box, the spec does not go in.
    • If that box is the 1 box, the spec goes in.




P.S. The record shows that I dislike this email-based process for voting.


On 2023-07-11 Ed wrote:


I know the tradition of using +1, 0, -1 votes cast via email is old and venerable.  And I hate it. May I please use a proper voting tool?




| edburns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | office: +1 954 727 1095

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From: jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Steve Millidge (Payara) via jakartaee-platform-dev
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 10:48 AM
To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Nature of Ongoing Votes


My understanding is that 0’s are discarded before calculation of a majority is this correct?



From: Edward Burns <Edward.Burns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2023 3:33 PM
To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Nature of Ongoing Votes


Steve Millidge wrote:


SM> Given it is summer and I have been away. I am a little confused by

SM> the ongoing votes – are these project committer votes or are they

SM> specification votes i.e. spec committee votes? I am assuming this

SM> is a committer vote as this is on the project mailing list not on

SM> the spec committee mailing list.


SM> I have seen various comments like (binding) and <company> votes so

SM> not sure what these signify.


SM> I would like clarification as a -1 on a committer vote usually

SM> signifies veto. On what criteria does the vote pass?


-1 means "no, I don't want this". See Scott Marlow's response.


SM> Apologies if I have missed this when I have been away. I have been

SM> through the archive but couldn’t see anything obvious defining the

SM> rules of the ballot.


Scott Marlow wrote:


ScottM> I think the


ScottM> thread discussed this and clarified that Platform project

ScottM> committers are expected to vote with one of "responses: +1

ScottM> (yes), -1 (no, or veto), and 0 (abstain)" but all mailing list

ScottM> members are also welcome to vote even though only comitters

ScottM> votes will be counted.


Yes, thanks for digging that up and sharing it, Scott Marlow.


Ivar Grimstad wrote:


IG> We had a similar discussion around Jakarta EE 9. Here are the

IG> minutes from that discussion:




IG> In the context of adding specifications, we then decided on the following:


IG> "DECISON: Decisions will be made with majority votes. Unanimous is not needed."


Here is my judgement of the applicable precedent for creating the

Platform Project Release Plan.


- Every list member is eligible to vote.

- Only the committers on the platform project listed at have their votes counted.

- From the set of committers that have voted

   - We count the +1s, 0s, and -1s.

   - The option with the highest number of votes wins.


I am unclear on what we do in the event of a tie. I suggest we add in

the non-binding votes in the case of a tie. This is a suggestion, not

a requirement. If we add in the non-binding votes and we still have a

tie, I'm not sure what to do.


Steve Millidge wrote:


SM> OK as it is a specification project shouldn't these sort of

SM> decisions be in the release plan and therefore subject to the EFSP

SM> and EFSP voting rules.


Ed Burns wrote:


EB> The fact remains: even if the voting results in a non-zero number

EB> of new specs suggested for inclusion in EE 11, when the Platform

EB> Project submits the Plan including those new specs, the parties

EB> that vote on approving the Plan have the final say.


I agree with Steve that the Platform Project Release Plan should

represent the consensus view of the Platform Project, as determined by

the BALLOT process. Therefore, I requset we revise the plan when the

BALLOT process is complete and then present it to the Specification



Then, as Steve Millidge observes, the EFSP voting rules apply to

approve or deny the Release Plan.



| edburns@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | office: +1 954 727 1095

| Calendar Booking:


| Please don't feel obliged to read or reply to this e-mail outside

| of your normal working hours.


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