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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Standardizing new TCK packages (was: package prefixes for Jakarta Batch TCK-related classes? org.eclipse.ee4j.batch ?)

@Emily: what's the plan about the spec saying jakarta.* should be excluded from the applications (which means it cant be used by TCK)? What about user confusion? "not care" :(?

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau |  Blog | Old BlogGithub | LinkedIn | Book

Le mer. 5 janv. 2022 à 14:31, Emily Jiang via jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
We discussed the various package names including org.eclipse.*. The feedback is that TCKs should align with the corresponding spec. It is much nicer to start with jakarta.tck to denote the TCK classes and also easily to filter out with pattern matching when searching for api classes. Besides it is much shorter than org.eclipse.jakarta. 
In Jakarta Batch Tcks, you will use jakarta.tck.batch instead of org.eclipse.jakarta.tck.batch.


On Wed, Jan 5, 2022 at 8:05 AM Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibucau@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As written on jbatch list I think it is normal and safe to use org.eclipse.<something like jakarta.spec or just spec> since jakarta specs are eclipse projects. It also has the advantage to not use jakarta.* package which is treated specifically by all implementations (by spec actually ;)) and would need some specific rules in the impl is used for tcks too which is not the target of the spec at all. Lastly it makes it obvious it is not part of the API for users so it is very good too. For me, it looks like a consistent and good compromise for everyone (foundation, users, vendors and spec contributors/legal).

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau |  Blog | Old BlogGithub | LinkedIn | Book

Le mer. 5 janv. 2022 à 08:23, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonteiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Sounds like a good improvement to me as well

Le mar. 4 janv. 2022 à 22:00, David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> On Jan 4, 2022, at 12:23 PM, Emily Jiang via jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I had this matter discussed in today's platform call. Below is the suggestion for the naming convention:
>       • [Emily] Package naming convention for TCKs?
>               • Packages for TCK starts with various names, e.g., org.jboss, org.eclipse, jakarta.[spec].tck etc,
>               • Should they be standardized?
>       • Two things need naming standard:
>               • Packages
>                       • Suggested Naming Standard: jakarta.tck.[spec]
>                       • New classes in existing TCKs should use the new name standard
>               • Artifacts
>                       • Same group id as the spec
>                       • Artifact ids [foo]-tck
>       • Existing TCKs may change if they like
> New TCKs must use the new name standard
> The above is the general consensus from the meeting. I will start a new thread conversation for others to comment on the naming convention.

Others can chime in, but I like the above recommendation.  Using jakarta.tck.[spec] is just as good as org.eclipse.jakarta.tck.[spec], perhaps better.

Also agree that it should be standard across the various TCKs.


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