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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Transitioning Jakarta EE to the jakarta namespace

I can speak for the Foundation :)

First off, Kevin is correct in saying that as a non-profit we have no motivation to hold onto the namespace if we fail as an organization.

Here is what our Bylaws say we're to do if the Eclipse Foundation were to cease to be.
Section 6.21 Distribution  of  Assets  Upon  Dissolution.    Upon  a  dissolution  of  the Eclipse  Foundation,  and  after  all  of  the  known  debts  and  liabilities  of  the  Eclipse  Foundation have  been  paid  or  adequately  provided  for, any  remaining  net  assets  of  the  Eclipse  Foundation shall be distributed by the Board to one or more organizations selected by the Board which will help to further the purposes of the Eclipse Foundation as set forth in Section 1.1.
In other words, in the unlikely event that the Eclipse Foundation expires before the jakarta namespace, we would turn it over to another non-profit to continue the mission.

I honestly feel that the jakarta namespace will be as safe as anything out there.

On 2019-05-31 11:39 a.m., Kevin Sutter wrote:
The Eclipse Foundation owns the Jakarta trademark.  If Jakarta would ever become irrelevant to Eclipse(heaven forbid), then I would assume they would be willing to give it up -- just like the Apache Foundation gave the Jakarta rights to the Eclipse Foundation since it was no longer used by Apache.  Granted, nobody can predict the future.  But, the Eclipse Foundation is not a commercial entity like Oracle.  There would be no reason for the Foundation to hold "Jakarta" hostage if it was no longer managing, promoting, and developing Jakarta EE.

(I am not speaking on behalf of the Foundation.  I'm just expressing my views after working for many years with the Foundation and associated Eclipse Projects.)

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

From:        Marko Bekhta <marko.prykladna@xxxxxxxxx>
To:        jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date:        05/31/2019 10:26 AM
Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Transitioning Jakarta EE to the        jakarta namespace
Sent by:        jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

HI all,

I was trying to catch up on this package transitioning topic. And there's a question that was bugging me more and more, deeper I was into the thread.

We are trying to decide which approach to use to migrate the javax packages. But is there any guarantee that, let's say in N years, we won't be in exactly the same situation, migrating from jakarta to some other package?

I'm not great when it comes to legal/licensing questions, but I think it would be great, if possible, to somehow ensure that jakarta package stays open no matter what. This would make the platform more attractive and safer to use. If that's already in place somewhere I would be thankful if someone can point me in the right direction.

Have a nice day,
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Mike Milinkovich

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