Greetings Jakarta EE Specification Committee,
I need your vote to approve the Creation/Plan Review of Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection
The recreation of the Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection project is required to change the patent license from CPL to IPL. This is the only change in the project. This change in license was approved by the Steering
Committee in the August 31 2021 meeting.
The JESP/EFSP states a Creation/Plan Review provides a means for the Specification Project Team to present their plan to the Project Leadership Chain, the Specification Committee, and the community for feedback.\xC2\xA0 Also,
the JESP/EFSP requires a successful ballot of the Specification Committee in order to ratify the Plan Review.
The relevant materials are available here, creation review:
Per the process(https://jakarta.ee/about/jesp/), the creation and plan review will be a seven-day ballot, ending on Wednesday, Sep 28th, that requires a Super-majority positive
vote of the Specification Committee members (note that there is no veto). Community input is welcome, but only votes cast by Specification Committee Representatives will be counted.
The Specification Committee is composed of representatives of the Jakarta EE Working Group Member Companies (Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Payara, Red Hat, Tomitribe, and Primeton), along with individuals who represent the EE4J
PMC, Participant Members, and Committer Members.
Specification Committee representatives, your vote is hereby requested. Please respond with +1 (positive), 0 (abstain), or -1 (reject).\xC2\xA0 Any feedback that you can provide to support your vote will be appreciated.