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  • Re: [] [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile, (continued)
  • [] 回复: [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE 10 Platform, 钱军
  • [] [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE 10 Platform, Ivar Grimstad
  • [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - August 10th, 2022, Paul Buck
  • [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - July 27th, 2022, Paul Buck
  • [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - July 13th, 2022, Paul Buck
  • [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - June 29, 2022, Paul Buck
  • [] 回复: [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile, 钱军
  • [] 回复: [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE Platform 10, 钱军
  • [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2022, Paul Buck
  • [] [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE Platform 10, Ivar Grimstad
  • [] [BALLOT] Jakarta Concurrency - Service Release Exception request, Paul Buck
  • [] 回复: [BALLOT][Creation Review] Jakarta Data, 钱军
  • [] [BALLOT][Creation Review] Jakarta Data, Emily Jiang
  • [] What are the allowed changes in point releases of TCKs?, Scott Stark
  • [] Proposal to update TCK process text to explicitly allow test modification after a challenge, Scott Kurz
  • [] [BALLOT] Release Review for Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile, Emily Jiang
  • [] Guidance on EE 10 release and the (older) Standalone Authentication TCK tests + TCKs passed for Authentication 3.0 Ballot..., Scott Marlow
  • [] Jakarta EE Spec Committee Approved Meeting Minutes - June 1st, 2022, Paul Buck
  • [] Jakarta JSON Processing 2.0.2 (SR) PR ready for review, Lukas Jungmann
  • [] Jakarta Batch - need to do Service Release 2.1.1 after all for failure to update OSGi bundle headers !, Scott Kurz
  • [] Jakarta Batch PR for Service Release 2.1.1 for TCK challenges (plus process question), Scott Kurz
  • [] What are our options for Jakarta EE 10 going to ballot without GlassFish passing the Concurrency 3.0 TCK?, Scott Marlow

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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