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Re: [] Options for Jakarta EE and MP alignment


On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 7:10 PM David Lloyd <david.lloyd@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The very fact that you point out how all vendors have non
interchangeable features indicates that it's not quite ready yet!

I hear you, but by that token, would JPA be ready for inclusion in Jakarta EE today if by some twist in history it was never included and was now in MP instead?

All JPA vendors have proprietary features even today.

There's only one road to stabilization, and freezing some
random thing *now* is not that road.

I hear you again, but who's talking about *freezing* things?

If a spec moves to Jakarta, it's not frozen. Though we still haven't decided on the exact cadence for Jakarta EE, the proposals uttered ranged from between three months and a year.

If you take into account specs can release things in-between Jakarta releases even, then in my book that doesn't quite sound as freezing the spec, does it? Or did you mean something else there?

Kind regards,

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