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Re: [] Options for Jakarta EE and MP alignment

Well the MP Config that's there right now is not even compatible with Jakarta EE 9 hence as a basis for a Jakarta EE 10 inclusion (or using it side-by-side on top of Jakarta EE 9) that release is not even there.

If you look at how much other truly Cloud-aware solutions like Helidon or Tamaya add on top of MP-Config or beside it, you see that it covers only a small fraction. The rest is up to the vendors, and while I have not dug so deep into their implementations, I am pretty sure Wildfly or Liberty as well as Payara add some value around it that you find in Helidon or Tamaya (or e.g. Archaius once got by Netflix) that are vendor-specific and not interchangeable.

These are not compatible even if the core of config was frozen for some time and a proper outbound TCK was found that works also as part of a Jakarta EE platform test.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 6:37 PM arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM Scott Stark <sstark@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is a conflict with the historic stability focus of
EE with a desire to explore MP innovations.

The question is perhaps, why is this desire for innovation not expressed for JAX-RS, CDI, JSON, ... on which MP depends?

For those specs MP is seemingly happy with the pace of innovation that's (expected) in Jakarta EE. Why wouldn't this hold for mature and by now stable specs like Config?

Or put differently, do we expect wild and huge incompatible changes in Config any time soon?

Kind regards,

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