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Re: [iot-wg] No data on javaone topic

Hi Jens,

Try subscribing to javaonedemo/# to see what topics are being
published to. I can see regular publishes to
javaonedemo/eclipse-greenhouse-ben/sensors/temperature for example.

Did you forget the "eclipse-greenhouse-" before "ben"?



On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Jens Reimann
<jens.reimann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello IoT,
> Sorry for having again some issues with MQTT. The topic for receiving
> the temperature (javaonedemo/ben/sensors/temperature) which worked
> yesterday seems to be dead today.
> I added a custom one (javaonedemo/eclipse-greenhouse-sim/sensors/light)
> which is provided by the simulator, and works fine.
> The question is, what happened to the original one ("ben") and how can I
> find out (using MQTT) why I don't get any data. A the moment I simply
> don't get any data. However I have no clue why (wrong topic, no data, ...).
> Thanks for helping (probably Ben ;-) )!
> Jens
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