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[iot-wg] Fwd: [polarsys-iwg] Polarsys participation at Embedded World Conference

Cross-posting to IoT. Everything Gael says below about Polarsys is also true for the IoT group. CfP attached.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [polarsys-iwg] Polarsys participation at Embedded World Conference
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 17:18:41 +0200
From: Gaël Blondelle <gael.blondelle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Polarsys IWG <polarsys-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Polarsys IWG <polarsys-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear all,

Embedded World Conference is the biggest European conference in our domain. Next edition will occur in Nuremberg on February 24-26, 2015.
We want to have a good visibility for PolarSys in the conference and through talks and a booth.

We need your help and input for this:
* Submit papers at the call for paper (see attachment). Please submit a talk before it is too late, and send me an email so that I can know the status of our submissions. 
By looking at the CfP, it looks like we can submit papers for a lot of topics, including Functional Safety Systems, Embedded system Architecture, System Level Design, Open Source Projects, Model Based Design, Development Tools, … I’ll certainly submit a paper about Polarsys itself, but the goal is mainly to present PolarSys tools through use cases, return of experience, or research results that use PolarSys tools. Deadline for the CfP is September 2nd.
* Tell us if you want to participate to the « PolarSys/Eclipse » village. We are negotiating a large booth, and we will have room for several PolarSys and Eclipse members to exhibit together. Each member that comes to the village will have to pay a part of the booth, but the price will be lower than if you go there alone, and we will create a mass effect that provides better impact and visibility. Please come back to me if you want to know more about the conditions.

In summary, think about:
* submitting a talk call for paper.
* exhibiting with other PolarSys and Eclipse members.

Attachment: Flyer CfP ewC 2015.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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