On 04/13/2017 03:56 PM, Patrik Suzzi wrote:
1. Probably we can't compete with Intelli-J on the android development.
Indeed, unless several people are ready to commit to work full time on it for several monthes.
I think at the end of the day, this is the core of the problem. Do we have enough contributions to push the Eclipse IDE forward to stay competitive? If not, why not? I do know we’ve had a very hard time hiring Eclipse developers, and this is in the town
where Eclipse was born. Is that a universal problem, or is it more we don’t have the investment to begin with? And again, if not, why not? There’s no point in guessing, it would be much better if we had the facts in front of us.
But this news is definitely troubling. We in the CDT community hitched our horse up to this train and have benefitted greatly from Eclipse’s popularity in the Java community. As that wains, we are also paying a price. Contributions to CDT are way down
even though it’s still very popular especially with embedded systems devs. We don’t get the benefit of a user community that can quickly jump into Java development in Eclipse like the Java community can. We need to and are starting to consider alternatives
which is why I’m looking at Electron.
My hope though is that the Eclipse community is open to a new platform. None of us have the ability to build an IDE by ourselves. We need an open friendly community and Eclipse has always been a safe home for us. I believe we’ve mistreated the web IDE
gang and I apologize for my contributions to that. But I think the future of Eclipse in the IDE space requires us to have an open mind for change that could carry us for the next twenty years as our current platform has the last twenty years.