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Re: [ide-dev] -7.5% absolute, -14% relative user loss this year

Thanks, Mickael.

Sad stats. if we lost market shares (1), we should improve (2) and innovate (3).

1. Probably we can't compete with Intelli-J on the android development.

2. We can improve Eclipse WTP to improve the web development experience. This is where we lost part of the users, in favor of webstorm and netbeans.

3. We could gain users proposing a new offer: a lightweight Eclipse IDE integrated with LSP-editors and cloud IDEs. 
   - Eclipse Two is a good point to start, where we could plug CEF, (or Electron #?) and LSP4E based editors. 
   - Also, Chromium Embedded will give us a chance to re-think E4 RCP applications. (A chromium-based framework, which can run RCP Plugins?)

Best regards,
Patrik Suzzi
Platform UI Committer

On 12 April 2017 at 17:37, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:



The part about IDEs shows sad statistics about amount of users lost by Eclipse Java IDE last year. There is no details about the reasons, but I think those were most covered in previous messages on this list and it always brings to the User Experience being better in IJ (which is better at anticipating user needs and asking them for less actions to code efficiently).
On the other hand, comments on Twitter about Neon release seem overall positive; better than the state of 6months~1year ago. I have no magic idea of how to improve all that, I can just encouraging all of us to make things better and better and to always think about helping the end-users as much as possible when developing for the IDE.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer for Red Hat Developers
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