On 03/11/2016 09:22 AM, Vladimir
Piskarev wrote:
Part of the problem is that it's not easy to find an
effective communication channel that parties interested in IDE
development and Languages Tools Factorization [4] are listening
That's right. And this mailing-list tends to be one of this channel,
but I don't think it's the only one to consider. Project-specific
mailing-lists (jdt-dev, dltk-dev, cdt-dev...) are to consider as
well, and many people interest about Language Tools Factorization
aren't following there.
This mailing list appears to be the best available channel
for this, but I must admit that I didn't know about it when the
Handly project was started, and Bruno also said it had took him
quite a while to find out about it. So there might be other
people potentially interested in this topic who, however, don't
know about this list either.
Perhaps it might be worthwhile to think about if and how the
ide-dev list could be made a bit more visible, given that it has
no corresponding project and thus no obvious place for newcomers
to discover it.
Sure, do you has suggestions to improve that?
For the use-case of Handly, I would suggest you get closely in touch
with DLTK if you're not already. Despite the D (for Dynamic), DLTK
contains several language-neutral components. It seems to me that
the relationship between both project is strong (maybe even worth
considering making Handly a module of DLTK to benefit from its
community of users and developers).