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Re: [ide-dev] Marketing IDE /was: Ctrl-1 driven development

On 10/28/2015 10:55 PM, Patrik Suzzi wrote:
From my side, without the help of the community, I can propose the following topics: 
> how to create E4 applications, build E4 App with tycho, test Eclipse Applications with SWTBot
Those topics are for Eclipse RCP/plugin developers, which are usually long-term Eclipse users and are tied to Eclipse as their target platform. So I don't think this is an area where Eclipse needs much marketing, compared to regular Eclipse IDE usage.
create JEE webapp with WTP
Nice videos about JEE + Maven in Eclipse would get a wide audience and may help to counter some bad things said about Eclipse IDE.

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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