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Re: [hudson-dev] Issues with SVNKit CQ

I think option 2 is just fine. In fact it would be fine for nearly all plugins. We could do it for all version control plugins to be consistent. Then we wont get complaints from svn users that subversion is a second class citizen and the default install/footprint gets smaller again..


On 12-02-03 08:22 AM, Winston Prakash wrote:
There are two options

- Bundle subversion plugin in the war and install SVNKit  dynamically on the first run.
- Don't bundle the subversion plugin in the war (keep the source at Github and release it from there).  Give an opportunity to the user to install it at first run along with few others such as JFreechart or JNA if needed.

Option 1 is complicated.

- Plugin manager extracts the  plugin from war and creates the folder <HUDSON-HOME>/plugins/subversion, when hudson first starts.
- We need to install svnkit under <HUDSON-HOME>/plugins/subversion/WEB-INF/lib
- But when Plugin manager extract the plugin, it also loads the plugin and thus would break hudson
- Also since we build subversion plugin with out svnkit, if there is a upgrade, that would also break. Because the plugin folder is wiped out first along with svnkit.

IMO, the easiest option is option 2.

- Winston

On 2/3/12 12:56 AM, Duncan Mills wrote:
In relation to the CQ request for SVNKit 1.3.7 (CQ 6184). We have hit a bit of a roadblock in that we can't distribute SVNKit from (see extract below)
Given that SVN is very much part of Hudson Core I don't think that we want to push it out onto the Plug-ins site (although that's an option in the short term). How feasible is the self-bootstrapping idea where we pull the JAR dynamically on first run?


------- Comment #5 From Wayne Beaton 2012-02-02 12:05:55 [reply] -------
IP review of previous versions of SVNKit have determined that there are "difficulties associated with licensing and pedigree".

The TMate license has been determined to be incompatible with the EPL; this is--essentially--a full stop with respect to any effort to distribute this library from Eclipse.

There is potential to have this library declared as a "WORKSWITH" on the basis that Hudson works just fine without this library, but has enhanced functionality if the library is present. The wrinkle is that the library cannot be distributed from (i.e. it cannot exist in our code repositories, or download server). It may be used to compile as part of a build on our build server as the build server is not accessible to the general public.

FWIW, the Subversive project uses SVNKit in this manner. The first time you use Subversive, they open a dialog box that invites the user to download SVNKit (among other options); at that point the user is required to accept the license explicitly.

Do you want to move forward with this as a WORKSWITH? Let me know if you have other questions.



Duncan Mills | Senior Director
Phone: +44 (0)7824 626354
Oracle Application Development Tools
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