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Re: [henshin-user] Problem accessing single nodes of a match in henshin

Hi Florian,

thanks for your question.

On 13.08.2018 16:46, Florian Kunz wrote:

Hello Henshin-users,


recently I started my first Project with henshin. The goal of the project is to enable a user to model an environment based on a given meta model. Within the modelled environment predefined patterns will be searched. If a pattern or several patterns are found the name of the pattern as well as the name attribute of the nodes will be displayed.

To do this I started with the henshin tutorial project, where you model a simple bank. To look for a pattern in the given example-bank.xmi file I made a simple henshin rule and used the following command:

InterpreterUtil.findAllMatches(engine, rule, graph, null);

The result is exactly what I am looking for, but the list of objects I receive is of the type Match and all the nodes in a single match are of the type “DynamicEObjectImpl”. From this type I can’t get access to the name attribute or other attributes. I am looking for a way, to access all attributes of the found nodes.

This is more or less about how EMF works. There are two ways of dealing with models with EMF: Static and dynamic EMF. In the bank example, for easy deployment, we use dynamic EMF. That is, the meta-model is loaded from an XMI file, rather than from an Eclipse plug-in (as in static EMF).

Since we use dynamic EMF, all model elements have the type "DynamicEObjectImpl". All required information can be retrieved by using reflection: First, get the EClass of the DynamicEObjectImpl by using the .eClass()  method of the object. The EClass has methods to retrieve all attributes, and to retrieve a specific attribute based on its name. Finally, you can get the attribute values of your DynamicEObjectImpl by using its .eGet(attribute) method.

In real use-cases of Henshin, you normally avoid the nastiness of dealing with reflection, by using static EMF in the first place. In the bank example, you would have "Bank" and "Customer" objects rather than "DynamicEObjectImpls".


I hope this is the right address to solve this problem, because there isn’t much help for henshin to be found. If I am mistaken here it would be greatly appreciated, if you could tell me, where I can find help for using henshin.

Generally, you can find information on Henshin's usage on the Wiki: The particular questions seems to be more of an EMF question.

Best regards,


Yours sincerely



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