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  • RE: [epp-dev] Packages Compare Chart, (continued)
  • [epp-dev] update of package status, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] important for package maintainers - INCUBATION, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] EPP conference call today - skipped..., Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Galileo RC4 Packages Now Available, Nathan Gervais
  • [epp-dev] Galileo EPP RC4 candidate available for testing, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] EPP conference call - postponed, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Galileo RC3 Packages Now Available, Nathan Gervais
  • [epp-dev] RC3 packages moved to download area, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] RC3 status update, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] EPP - RC3 build available, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] EPP - RC3 build will be available in (probably) 2-3 hours, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] build delayed..., Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] schedule for RC3 and EPP conf call items, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] EPP conf call, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Galileo RC2 Builds, Nathan Gervais
  • [epp-dev] RC2 build available for testing, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] about available Galileo RC2 EPP builds, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Question on config.ini in JEE package about equinox.weaving, David M Williams
  • [epp-dev] Request for respin for JEE, David M Williams
  • [epp-dev] schedule for RC2 and EPP conf call items, Ian Skerrett
  • [epp-dev] Pulsar branding, Paula Gustavo-WGP010
  • [epp-dev] important for package maintainers, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Galileo RC1 Builds are now available., Nathan Gervais
  • [epp-dev] RC1 Testing and Issues, David M Williams
  • [epp-dev] Problem with EPP bulid / product-interdependeny fixed, Thomas Hallgren
  • [epp-dev] schedule for RC1 and EPP conf. call items, Ian Skerrett

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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