The first step is that you (i.e. the project leadership and committers) need to determine what the moving forward plan is.
Frankly, the more that I look at this the more concerned I am that the EDP is not being followed by the project.
- The EMF website lists EMF Query 2 as if it were already a project.
- EMF Query 2 is distributing a "2.0" despite being incubation (incubating project can only release pre 1.0). For that matter, the 2.0.0 release looks totally official (other than the 'N' in the build number, there's no indication on the downloads page that this is a milestone build).
- AFAIK, EMF Query 2 has not done a single review of any kind.
In short, EMF Query 2 is like a phantom project.
Clearly, there has been a huge breakdown in our processes and I'd like to understand how it happened so that we can fix it.
I am sensitive to your release concerns, and am willing to help fix this. But it needs to be fixed.
How do we proceed? Based on previous assertions that EMF Query is still being used by other folks and will persist for the foreseeable future, combined with the apparently completely separate development teams, code base, and release schedule, I'm inclined to recommend that we schedule an immediate restructuring review in which we can just make EMF Query 2 a separate project. Then EMF Query can decide its own fate.
If this sound right to everybody, we can discuss next steps. We can schedule this restructuring review for June 23-29; best case scenario is that we may be able to do a release review two weeks or so later. Assuming all the pieces fall into place.
On 06/18/2011 10:21 PM, Ashwani Sharma wrote:
We are getting more questions internally in SAP and in newsgroups about release of EMF Query2. If we don't make a proper release, we might loose interest.
Can you please suggest how do you want to take the assessment ?
Ashwani Kr Sharma
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Ashwani Sharma <
ashw.kumar@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
Hi Anthony,
How should we do this assessment ?
Will you give EMF Query2 a try ? Will you have sometime before indigo release for this ?
Ashwani Kr Sharma
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:21 PM, Wayne Beaton <
emo@xxxxxxxxxxx > wrote:
The assessment that Anthony is referring to is not an EDP concept. I
believe that means an assessment of the impact of the change on the
community. This is something that is best done by the project itself. I
am willing to assist, but the project is the ultimate authority on its
community and the impact of change.
Some thoughts...
Strictly speaking, "EMF Query 2" is not currently a separate entity from
the EDP point of view. Strictly speaking, code from "EMF Query 2" should
be released using the same version numbering scheme and on single
project-wide schedule. The fact that different build systems are used,
and that different groups of developers--managed via social
convention--is interesting, but not relevant.
Allowing EMF Query 2 to make a separate release using a different
version number while still part of the EMF Query project requires an
exception to the process.
Before I can grant that exception, or permit the creation of a separate
project as part of a restructuring review, I need to better understand
the going forward plan.
On 06/06/2011 11:47 AM, Ashwani Sharma wrote:
> >> Is there a continuity story between the frameworks?
> The new framework is not at all compatible with previous. It will
> require users to re-write their queries.
> If everyone agrees, i can plan for assessment or review. I will need
> details on how to do it, since this is first time for me :)
Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton