2011/8/10 Sascha Vogt
Hi all,
I quite regularly see some complaints on either the forum/nntp or on
this mailing list that the nightly update site seems to produce some MD5
problems upon installing.
As we had some similar problems with a Maven / Hudson generated
update-site we use internally I thought I point out our issue with it.
In the first run we had the update-site being produced by the same maven
project as the plugin has been built (maven tycho to be specific). This
worked fine locally but we got a corrupt update-site out of hudson.
What we did to resolve the issue was to split the update-site
generatation and the build of the plugin in two maven projects and that
resolved the error for us.
So maybe this is the case for you guys too from time to time?
EGit plugins and p2 repo are already built in 2 different maven projects
but these run in the same Maven reactor build. Did you mean we should simply
run p2 repo in a different reactor build ? We can try this.
But overall this sounds like a workaround for a bug in maven or tycho.
Would be nice if the workaround helps but it would be even better to
fix the underlying problem. I'll ask our Maven experts if your hint rings
some bells for them.