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December 04, 2011
10:31 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] Change state corrupt when pushing to Gerrit Matthias Sohn
December 03, 2011
06:12 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Robin Rosenberg
03:43 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Matthias Sohn
December 02, 2011
19:20 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Matthias Sohn
12:29 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Robin Rosenberg
12:21 [egit-dev] Change state corrupt when pushing to Gerrit Kevin Sawicki
12:14 Re: [egit-dev] Galileo (3.5) support Alex Blewitt
11:34 Re: [egit-dev] Galileo (3.5) support Chris Aniszczyk
09:48 Re: [egit-dev] Galileo (3.5) support Robin Rosenberg
08:32 [egit-dev] Galileo (3.5) support Matthias Sohn
December 01, 2011
19:15 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Matthias Sohn
17:44 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Matthias Sohn
10:45 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Robin Stocker
10:15 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Matthias Sohn
08:47 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Robin Stocker
03:43 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Robin Rosenberg
November 29, 2011
15:07 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Dariusz Luksza
12:37 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Kevin Sawicki
11:40 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Chris Aniszczyk
06:32 [egit-dev] release 1.2 ahead Matthias Sohn
06:17 Re: [egit-dev] Hudson CI build failure for EGit: "required class is missing: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildException" Matthias Sohn
November 27, 2011
18:24 Re: [egit-dev] Installing egit on Helios (3.6.1) Matthew Piggott
11:09 Re: [egit-dev] Installing egit on Helios (3.6.1) Dan Schaffer
November 26, 2011
18:54 Re: [egit-dev] Installing egit on Helios (3.6.1) Matthias Sohn
18:51 Re: [egit-dev] Installing egit on Helios (3.6.1) Alex Blewitt
17:11 [egit-dev] Installing egit on Helios (3.6.1) Dan Schaffer
November 25, 2011
08:31 [egit-dev] Using product org.eclipse.sdk.ide or org.eclipse.platform.ide in EGit tests? Baumgart, Jens
November 23, 2011
12:19 Re: [egit-dev] [ANN] SubGit Early Access Program Build #789 Semen Vadishev
November 22, 2011
17:34 Re: [egit-dev] Hudson CI build failure for EGit: "required class is missing: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildException" Robert Munteanu
17:26 Re: [egit-dev] Hudson CI build failure for EGit: "required class is missing: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildException" Matthias Sohn
14:16 [egit-dev] [ANN] SubGit Early Access Program Build #789 Semen Vadishev
12:15 Re: [egit-dev] Hudson CI build failure for EGit: "required class is missing: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildException" Alex Blewitt
12:02 [egit-dev] Hudson CI build failure for EGit: "required class is missing: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildException" Matthias Sohn
November 17, 2011
11:22 [egit-dev] Hudson CI builds failed due to corrupted maven repository Matthias Sohn
November 15, 2011
02:41 Re: [egit-dev] Gerrit not reachable Lay, Stefan
November 14, 2011
11:04 [egit-dev] Gerrit not reachable Lay, Stefan
November 07, 2011
05:12 Re: [egit-dev] Pending review Lay, Stefan
03:47 Re: [egit-dev] Strange Gerrit hebavior Matthias Sohn
November 06, 2011
16:23 Re: [egit-dev] Strange Gerrit hebavior Robin Rosenberg
10:47 Re: [egit-dev] Strange Gerrit hebavior Manuel Doninger
10:07 [egit-dev] Strange Gerrit hebavior Robin Rosenberg
November 03, 2011
12:45 Re: [egit-dev] Time zone of the builds... Remy Suen
10:03 Re: [egit-dev] Time zone of the builds... Matthias Sohn
07:36 [egit-dev] Time zone of the builds... Remy Suen
November 01, 2011
17:55 Re: [egit-dev] Pending review Matthias Sohn
17:41 [egit-dev] Pending review Robin Rosenberg
October 24, 2011
18:53 Re: [egit-dev] Seeking responses from eGit team Konstantin Komissarchik
18:12 Re: [egit-dev] Seeking responses from eGit team Matthias Sohn
17:11 Re: [egit-dev] Seeking responses from eGit team Matthew Piggott
16:50 [egit-dev] Seeking responses from eGit team Konstantin Komissarchik
08:36 Re: [egit-dev] Memory leak of 'History' pages due to a Team bug... Matthias Sohn
October 20, 2011
12:34 Re: [egit-dev] zombie sandbox hudson causing failing verification builds Matthias Sohn
06:30 Re: [egit-dev] zombie sandbox hudson causing failing verification builds Steffen Pingel
04:49 Re: [egit-dev] zombie sandbox hudson causing failing verification builds Matthias Sohn
04:03 Re: [egit-dev] zombie sandbox hudson causing failing verification builds Manuel Doninger
01:32 Re: [egit-dev] zombie sandbox hudson causing failing verification builds Matthias Sohn
October 19, 2011
18:07 Re: [egit-dev] Fwd: [Bug 283749] Investigate Gerrit usage at Eclipse with GIT Matthias Sohn
17:14 [egit-dev] Fwd: [Bug 283749] Investigate Gerrit usage at Eclipse with GIT Alex Blewitt
October 17, 2011
15:06 Re: [egit-dev] [RFC] : Eclipse Versions supported by EGit Matthias Sohn
10:55 Re: [egit-dev] [RFC] : Eclipse Versions supported by EGit Remy Suen
10:36 [egit-dev] [RFC] : Eclipse Versions supported by EGit Sohn, Matthias
10:01 [egit-dev] Need a table of EGit and its matching version of Eclipse... Remy Suen
October 11, 2011
17:44 [egit-dev] zombie sandbox hudson causing failing verification builds Matthias Sohn
11:03 [egit-dev] Memory leak of 'History' pages due to a Team bug... Remy Suen
October 10, 2011
17:02 Re: [egit-dev] How to merge (programmatically) with a remote repo? Matthias Sohn
11:29 Re: [egit-dev] How to merge (programmatically) with a remote repo? André Dietisheim
11:19 Re: [egit-dev] How to merge (programmatically) with a remote repo? Matthias Sohn
10:26 [egit-dev] How to merge (programmatically) with a remote repo? André Dietisheim
October 09, 2011
09:57 Re: [egit-dev] exception with latest relase Dariusz Luksza
October 03, 2011
03:54 Re: [egit-dev] exception with latest relase Dariusz Luksza
01:33 [egit-dev] exception with latest relase Markus Staab
September 27, 2011
21:22 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Hugues Malphettes
16:38 Re: [egit-dev] Why are the egit/jgit repositories not listed? Matthias Sohn
16:32 Re: [egit-dev] Why are the egit/jgit repositories not listed? Alex Blewitt
16:29 Re: [egit-dev] Why are the egit/jgit repositories not listed? Manuel Doninger
16:22 [egit-dev] Why are the egit/jgit repositories not listed? Thomas Hallgren
09:37 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Matthias Sohn
06:50 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Matthias Sohn
03:37 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Hugues Malphettes
September 22, 2011
12:45 Re: [egit-dev] Retrieving all files that were changed by a commit? Kevin Sawicki
11:24 Re: [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit / EGit Release 1.1 Remy Suen
10:58 [egit-dev] Retrieving all files that were changed by a commit? erimius
05:26 [egit-dev] [Announce] JGit / EGit Release 1.1 Matthias Sohn
September 19, 2011
17:31 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Matthias Sohn
16:46 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Matthias Sohn
September 18, 2011
22:41 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Hugues Malphettes
18:23 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Matthias Sohn
September 17, 2011
05:44 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Hugues Malphettes
04:35 Re: [egit-dev] please comment on commit and push 1 interaction André Dietisheim
00:55 Re: [egit-dev] please comment on commit and push 1 interaction Manuel Doninger
September 16, 2011
21:31 Re: [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Robin Rosenberg
16:07 [egit-dev] please comment on commit and push 1 interaction André Dietisheim
12:09 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] JGit / EGit 1.1 Release ahead Wayne Beaton
11:27 [egit-dev] HTTP Tests not working with Jetty 7.4.2 Baumgart, Jens
08:28 [egit-dev] Workspace setput problem with Indigo / Jetty Baumgart, Jens
September 15, 2011
18:49 Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] JGit / EGit 1.1 Release ahead Matthias Sohn
September 09, 2011
19:18 Re: [egit-dev] [ANNOUNCE] GitTogether 2011 - Oct 24th/25th Shawn Pearce
18:11 Re: [egit-dev] corrupt change or Gerrit error ? Matthias Sohn
18:03 [egit-dev] corrupt change or Gerrit error ? Matthias Sohn
08:24 [egit-dev] Authentification not supported Thorsten Kamann

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